Thursday, March 18, 2010

School Days

One of the things Kaity does in school is dictation. I read aloud a passage from one of the books she's reading that week and she writes it down. I show her the passage ahead of time so that she can take note of punctuation, spelling, and any unusual elements in the paragraph. Afterward, I always ask her to go over it to make sure she hasn't made any mistakes. Then I mark anything she's gotten wrong and let her see the passage again so she can correct herself. Well, this week we got to the "going-over-it" part and I said, "Okay, check your spelling and punctuation, make sure there's nothing you've missed -- capitalization, commas ..." Here, Kaity said, "The author used too many commas! I can't remember all of them. I think she overpunctuated." Well, there were a LOT of commas!
You can't really tell in this picture, but Selah is sucking her thumb!

Joe being a good big brother! I was fixing lunch and cleaning up the kitchen.

Joe is working on "pre-reading" in school. Basically, learning letters and sounds and sight words. The other day, I told him to race around the house to find me three things that start with M. He brought me milk, math, and a mug!

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