Thursday, November 06, 2014

Oh, Baby!

Selah has always been a good little mama to her baby dolls. She loves to feed, diaper, and snuggle them. The other day she got out this little teddy bear that Grandma Fran gave her at Christmas and she hugged it (fiercely, as only Selah can!) while announcing, "I love my Grandma Fran!"

Here she is diapering it:
After Selah painstakingly spread out the blanket so that she could change her baby on it, Lauryn promptly took it over as though Selah had done it just for her!

Lauryn soon lost interest in the whole process and decided to play peek-a-boo with the blanket instead.
I kept trying to capture her cheesy grin, but my camera's batteries are low and it just wouldn't cooperate.

Family portrait! Lauryn kept trying to sit on her wipes box, unsuccessfully.

Selah often proclaims, "I love my stister!"
A little later, she came over to me and said, "Mommy, my baby's coming out of my tummy!"
She's about to pop!
I love their imaginative little minds!

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