Saturday, November 22, 2014

Dining Room Transformation

It seems like every week there's a new project going on in our house. Sometimes it's little things like unpacking yet another box or hanging pictures, and sometimes it's big, wonderful things! This weekend was a big, wonderful kind of project. A friend of ours and his two sons came over and helped move the last of our furniture from Jeff's parents' house! We inherited a corner cabinet from Jeff's grandmother years ago and since we didn't have space for it, it's been at the Pittards'. Also, for Christmas this year Jeff's parents have graciously given us their dining room table and chairs! It is such an overwhelming blessing to have a place for all of us to eat together.

There are also two leaves that expand the table to seat 10.

I'm so glad to have my china back home again! We received it as wedding gifts nearly 17 years ago.

Cheryl and her sister reupholstered the chairs in this beautiful fabric.

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