Friday, September 09, 2016

On A Walk

First day of college!
Kaity attends a college class three days a week. Since it's only for about fifty minutes, the other kids and I just wait for her to finish. Most of the time we follow the same routine. For the first little while, we listen to the kids' memory work for the week - Latin, geography, history, math, English, timeline.

Then we escape the car and head out for a walk in downtown Athens.
If there's a wall, they're drawn like magnets to walk on it!

A doorway to a fairy house!

June bug - they're so pretty!
Shasta Daisy
Kathleen: I love daisies.
Joe: You told me.
Kathleen: They're so friendly. Don't you think daisies are the friendliest flower?

We do our best to notice what's all around us, and I identify all the plants I recognize, teaching the kids their names and a little about them. More often than not, I have no idea what they are, but I take pictures and hope to figure them out later. 

Gorgeous Hydrangea.
 I usually try to vary our path a little every time, but lately the kids' obsession has been with "The Garden". They love the pathways! They play tag, hide and seek, and they look for all kinds of cool little treasures.

Some treasures Lauryn brought me, one by one, the other day.
 Sometimes we make new friends. This little orange kitty ran right up today and just begged us to love on him.

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