Tuesday, January 22, 2008

College & Career Retreat

Jeff and I just had an amazing weekend with some of our Sunday School class. We went to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee and stayed in cabins. Two -- one for guys, one for girls. It was a whole lot of fun. The theme of the retreat was "A Life Marked By Wisdom" and we studied the book of Proverbs while we were there. The discussions were really insightful (to make up for the silliness on other occasions, I guess!)and one of the girls brought her guitar so we could have worship music, too.

I could go on and on about the trip and the fun we had, and the things we learned, but I'll just hit the highlights. One major highlight was Sunday night. The guys were responsible for dinner and though they strung the girls along all weekend that they would make cereal, the men came through! They met the ladies at the door of the cabin with a flower for each of us. They served us drinks, salad, baked ziti, and two kinds of dessert! We even had name cards at our seats. It was quite impressive.

Some of the other things we did were: go-kart racing; 4-D theater; shopping in Gatlinburg; Krispy Kreme doughnuts; freezing!; Guitar Hero; Wii; singing praise music; memorizing scripture; laughing; lunch at The Old Mill; staying up too late; miniature golf; breakfast at the Red Rooster; almost ice skating, and lots more!

We had a terrific time and can't wait to do it again!

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