Friday, March 09, 2012

Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary ...

I haven't updated in so long that I have a major backlog of pictures, but I can't resist jumping ahead a bit to the present before I go back and fill in. I've wanted to have a garden for a long time, with pretty much only one thing holding me back - I have a brown thumb! Well, this year Jeff said he'd like to have a garden and he's prepared to lay all the groundwork for me. I'm extremely excited about this new family project! I'm sincerely hoping he and our children have inherited enough of his parents' gardening talents to overcome my deficiencies. I have had an herb garden every year for several years, but I don't even do well with those! (Click the link to see pictures of my tiny children. Sigh.)
Jeff and Joe, clearing the land.

My hard-working little fellow.

Selah really wanted to help!

Kaity and Joe traded off using the pickax and shovel with each other and Daddy.

Some of us didn't work as hard as others. Some of us stayed inside cooking dinner and then went on a Dairy Queen run to reward the ones who WERE working.

"It's delicious!"

Kaity, enjoying her Blizzard while resting from her labors.

Here you can see that they have a good start on the garden plot. Still a long way to go, but it feels good to at least have a start!

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