Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Too Bad It Wasn't Cats ...

Today I took Selah to see an allergist. She has had eczema on her face for a few months now and nothing we've tried has cleared it up completely. Thankfully, we have some answers, though allergens aren't an exact science. The only thing she really reacted to was dust mites and it wasn't major. There were a few food allergies that were possibilities, so we'll be investigating a little further on those. For a week we'll cut tomatoes, oat, peanut butter, and eggs from her diet. Then we'll add them back one at a time to see if there's a reaction.

She fell asleep on the floor the other night while waiting for Daddy to take her upstairs.

That's a pen mark on her jaw. She loves to color! ("cu-wer")

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