Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Train Ride

Friday, Jeff took the day off and we celebrated our anniversary by going on a train ride! A few weeks ago, Jeff asked me to research trains for us, and I found a great deal on-line for the Blue Ridge Scenic Railway. They were doing a sale for the winter where their tickets were 40% off. How great is that? So, we booked 4 tickets and away we went!

Jeff's grandfather, KJ Pittard, was a conductor on Southern Railroad for 40 years.

We went to the station in Blue Ridge, Georgia and rode the train up to a little town on the Tennessee-Georgia border. The town is actually split by the border, so on one side it's McCaysville, Georgia and on the other it's Copperhill, Tennessee.

While in the town(s) we had a two-hour layover during which we ate lunch at the Nifty Fifties Diner, shopped and browsed, and ate Mayfield Ice Cream. :)

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