After my uncle's, we drove over to Joe and Jennifer's home in Newport News. We all went to a fun, interactive Living Museum, which the adults enjoyed as much as the kids! I think the precocious little otter was the unanimous favorite, with "Afro-duck" coming in second. He was this cute little black duck with a stand of white feathers on his head -- we could never figure out what he was actually called. Anyway, I whistled at him to get his attention so Jennifer could snap a picture and he flew right at us! I squealed and Kaity was so startled she flattened herself against the glass trying to get away.
The next morning Joe actually cooked breakfast for us -- grits, eggs, bacon, the whole nine yards. Even burnt toast -- which was my fault, though I didn't 'fess up at the time. Sorry, Joe! We also visited a cool transportation museum on Fort Eustis -- whose main attraction (at first) to our son was a rock with letters on it.
After Joe and Jennifer's, we drove south to North Carolina and crashed overnight with our friends Nathan and Leah. We always look forward to spending time with them -- the conversation is never boring! Their little girl, Georgia, is absolutely adorable. We had a delicious breakfast at a local restaurant after which we unfortunately had to leave to head back home.
We had a fabulous trip and we really hope to get back up there this spring or summer to visit again. There were so many things we wanted to do that we just didn't have time for. Most of all, we just wanted more time to spend with everyone! Ah, well, there's always next time!